Magnet Forensics Is Up for 3 Forensic 4:cast Awards — Help Us Win!
We want to extend our sincere appreciation to those of you who took the time to cast nomination ballots in the 2018 Forensic 4:cast Awards. Thanks to you, we are nominated for THREE categories: Digital...
View ArticleBetter Case Starting Points with Magnet AXIOM’s New Case Dashboard
All data is not equal in a forensic examination—and the more data that’s available, the more difficult it is to organize and prioritize. As data volumes grow and users struggle to find the meaning...
View ArticleAnswering Some Questions about Memory Analysis in Magnet AXIOM
Magnet AXIOM 2.0 has added the ability to conduct additional memory analysis by integrating the Volatility framework. For anyone who has used Volatility in the past, it is a great command line tool to...
View Article5 Reasons Magnet AXIOM Is Forensic 4:cast’s Phone Forensic Software of the Year
Since introducing Magnet AXIOM, we’ve continued to hear from our customers that it continues the standard for excellence that IEF started: not just to find more evidence, but also to tackle some of...
View ArticleiOS 11 And Android Nougat/Oreo – An In-Depth Look At The Latest Mobile OSes
Presented by Christopher Vance, Manager of Curriculum Development Another year, another iOS update, another sweet-shop-sounding Android OS. Each new update for a mobile OS represents a new puzzle for...
View ArticleConnecting Artifacts and Users to Prove Intellectual Property Theft
Presented by: Jessica Hyde, Director of Forensics What happens when two employees, accused of exfiltrating sensitive data, deny their intentions? How do you connect the dots to prove your case? Join...
View Article5 Ways Magnet AXIOM Is Forensic 4:cast’s Computer Forensic Software of the Year
As Magnet Forensics has grown, we’ve had the distinction of our tools being named Forensic 4:cast Computer Forensic Tool of the Year for each of the last five years. To us, this is an indicator that...
View ArticleMagnet AXIOM 2.1 Builds on the Advances of AXIOM 2.0
Fresh off the launch of Magnet AXIOM 2.0, we’ve updated Magnet AXIOM. In addition the new Case Dashboard, Volatility integration, and Magnet.AI updates we introduced AXIOM 2.0, Magnet AXIOM 2.1 brings...
View ArticleHow Magnet AXIOM Helps You Develop Your Mobile Forensic Skills
With AXIOM, we try to take an approach that not only gets the job done for expert forensic examiners, but also introduces skills and concepts to new or intermediate level examiners at a level that they...
View ArticleNew Case Study Describes How Magnet ATLAS Tracks Complex Cases
It’s uncommon for most criminal cases nowadays to involve less than half a dozen digital devices. Smartphones, tablets, home assistants, gaming consoles, and computers from suspects, victims, and...
View ArticleNew E-Book: Successful Child Exploitation Investigations
A Magnet AXIOM Best Practices Guide Download the e-book today! Child exploitation investigations can be among the most complex owing to multiple devices and storage media, multiple victims, and crimes...
View ArticleMagnet Forensics and Child Rescue Coalition Integrate Technology to Help...
As we exhibit this week at the National ICAC Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, we’re extremely honored to unveil a new technology integration. Magnet AXIOM will soon be able to ingest data from Child...
View ArticleNew E-Book: Best Practices for Successful Child Exploitation Investigations
It isn’t uncommon for us to hear from investigators who are newly assigned to child exploitation investigations. Even with the training they need to execute a full investigation, these investigators...
View ArticleMagnet Forensics Wins Two Forensic 4:cast Awards!
Our team was once again extremely honored and elated when we learned that the forensic community had voted us Digital Forensic Organization of the Year for the second year in a row! We were thrilled to...
View ArticleMagnet AXIOM Now Offers Enhanced Integration with Project VIC and Semantics 21
We’re excited to announce a new technology integration between Magnet AXIOM and the Semantics 21 (S21) suite of solutions, LASERⓘ-P and LASERⓘ-V, for AI-enabled picture and video categorization. The...
View ArticleLoading GrayKey Images into Magnet AXIOM
For the last few years now, most forensic examinations of iOS devices were limited to what was available in an iTunes backup and only if you had the user’s passcode. Sure, you may have gotten the odd...
View ArticleRecorded Webinar: Connecting Artifacts And Users To Prove Intellectual...
Presented by: Jessica Hyde, Director of Forensics What happens when two employees, accused of exfiltrating sensitive data, deny their intentions? How do you connect the dots to prove your case? Join...
View ArticleUpdates in Magnet AXIOM 2.2 Help You Get Evidence from the Most Sources
We’re continuing to build on the advances of Magnet AXIOM 2.0 with Magnet AXIOM 2.2. With new ways to recover evidence from smartphones and the cloud, improvements to memory analysis, and even faster...
View ArticleThe Making of a Capture the Flag Competition: An Interview with David Cowen...
At our Magnet User Summit in May, we hosted our first ever Capture the Flag (CTF) competition. We were honored when David Cowen and Matthew Seyer, co-hosts of the Forensic Lunch, offered to organize...
View ArticleHow Vendor Collaboration Makes Child Exploitation Investigations Stronger
Over the last few months, you might have noticed the string of announcements we made around new partnerships, integrations, and/or ingestions with other vendors’ products in our space. It’s all part of...
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